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Natural Gases As An alternative energy source

What is this page about? and what will i find here?

Dab for natural gas

A clean energy source for the future

What am i going to learn from this site

The impact on the envirement.
How it is used.
Facts on positives

Where it is made.

Facts on negatives

Why is should be used.

Who is making this page?

We are three crazy awesome kids, for real tho:

We are three friends that know how to make a website, here's who we are...

Dawson: Hi, I'm Dawson as you can tell, I'm the guy that knows how to mainly function and make the website. I'm good with that stuff mainly cause I've done it before, but I like Pokémon and dying my hair. 

Matthew: I help do the research and type things up. I love Pokémon and if you couldn't tell that's mainly why we're all friends.

David: I'm the guy that makes sure we 're doing our work yet mixing it up and still having an awesome time doing it. So as you can tell I'm the jokester of this team or at least try to be, But I was the guy that helped research and do those purple papers.

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